- wish 2004-01-31 21:25:28-06:00 (CST)
- cold 2004-01-30 09:44:03-06:00 (CST)
- tarkin 2004-01-28 12:41:28-06:00 (CST)
- most source code is relatively defenseless 2004-01-28 11:23:12-06:00 (CST)
- Why I can't vote for Kerry. 2004-01-27 11:33:51-06:00 (CST)
- out there 2004-01-25 17:26:17-06:00 (CST)
- A Sad day. 2004-01-22 12:02:34-06:00 (CST)
- Kicking Ass 2004-01-21 22:32:20-06:00 (CST)
- to mars 2004-01-16 13:33:41-06:00 (CST)
- Fedora Linux 2004-01-16 11:58:09-06:00 (CST)
- Until a man is twenty-five... 2004-01-14 23:38:34-06:00 (CST)
- Computer Names 2004-01-08 00:55:43-06:00 (CST)
- Medications Shipped Overnight To Your Do. 2004-01-03 13:59:59-06:00 (CST)
- Grill 2004-01-02 11:41:41-06:00 (CST)