What I've been up to this summer:
Drove down to the North Carolina/Tennessee Mountains. Backpacked for a week or so. Wandered around Great Smokey Mountains National Park.
Then I realized that I was extremely lonely out there in the middle of the woods without anyone to talk to. This was about the time I finished the only book I took with me, The Brothers Karamazov.
I then drove down to Ft. Myers to visit my parents. My mother had just bought a second house as an investment. I took it upon myself to get the front yard loking decent, so I spent a week weeding and putting down mulch. I also drove down to the everglades.
Then it was time to go to Memphis for Ben and Julie's wedding. I spent a night with some friends of my parents, and two nights at Scott's house.
The wedding itself was interesting. I hadn't seen any of my high school friends in a couple of years. Memphis now seems like an alien place.
Now I'm back in Madison.