gnuplot question
Here's your basic LaTeX document:
%% FILE: basic.tex
The file graph.tex is generated using Gnuplot like this:
## FILE: graph.gnuplot
set xrange [-3:3]
set yrange [0:.42]
set ytics nomirror autofreq 0, .1
set terminal latex size 3,1.5
set output 'graph.tex'
f(x) = .39894228040143267794 * exp(-0.5 * (x ** 2))
set style line 1 linecolor rgb "black" linewidth 1
plot f(x) ls 1 notitle
Here's the execution:
$ gnuplot graph.gnuplot
$ pdflatex basic.tex > /dev/null
$ evince basic.pdf &
This makes a really professional-looking graph I can put in a document.
Now here's what I want to see:
How do I do this with Gnuplot?