bitten; shy

Everytime I go into my storage room in the basement, I get spider bites. New plan: I'm getting as many boxes out of there this evening as possible, and leave the big stuff for much later. Then I avoid the basement.

Time until Mon Jul  3 09:00:00 CDT 2006:
3747726 seconds
3.7477 megaseconds
6 weeks + 1.3764 days
43.3764 days

[hal@lensman]$ cat ~/bin/
DDAY="Mon Jul  3 09:00:00 CDT 2006"
SECONDS=$(( $(date -d "${DDAY}" +%s)-$(date +%s) ))
MEGASECONDS=$( echo "scale=4;$SECONDS/10^6" | bc )
WEEKS=$( echo "$SECONDS/604800" | bc )
DAYS=$( echo "scale=4;$SECONDS/86400" | bc )
EXTRAS=$( echo "scale=4;$DAYS-($WEEKS * 7)" | bc )
echo "Time until ${DDAY}:"
echo "$SECONDS seconds"
echo "$MEGASECONDS megaseconds"
echo "$WEEKS weeks + $EXTRAS days"
echo "$DAYS days" ; echo ""