A stupid program...
Luckilly, this program turned out not to be the pinacle of my c++ career. That came later, with hexagon
/* Shisen Sho Top Score Displayer
* -- this IS the pinnacle of our careers
* reads in 'filenumber' of files and retrieves 'top' scores
* for each geometry
* (c) 2000-2003 Hal Canary & Mark Chapman
* Licence Information:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* A copy of the licence can be found at:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* Compile with:
* g++ -o shisenshow shisen.c
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <string>
string NameSpiller(string *str) {
for(int i = 0; i < str->size(); i++)
if(str->substr(i,1) == " " && str->substr(i+1,1) > "9")
return str->substr(i,str->size()-i);
return *str;
int main(int argc, char *argv) {
const int filenumber = 7,top = 70;
string filename[filenumber];
filename[0] = "/home/jillian/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[1] = "/home/chapman/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[2] = "/home/beth/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[3] = "/home/doksus/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[4] = "/home/hal/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[5] = "/home/lweltzer/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
filename[6] = "/home/lmfinco/.kde/share/config/kshisenrc";
int flag;
int highnum14 = 0,highnum18 = 0,highnum24 = 0,highnum26 = 0,
highnum30 = 0;
int time,time14[top],time18[top],time24[top],time26[top],
string highscorer14[top],highscorer18[top],highscorer24[top],
string buffer,buffer2;
ifstream fin;
for(int i=0; i<filenumber; i++) {
do {
getline(fin, buffer, '\n');
if (buffer.substr(0,3) == "Hig") {
buffer = buffer.substr(12,buffer.size()-12);
buffer2 = buffer.substr(0,2);
if (buffer2 == "14") {
flag = 0;
time = 0;
for(int j = 5; buffer.at(j) != ' '; j++)
time = (time * 10) + atoi(buffer.substr(j,1).c_str());
for(int n = 0; n <= highnum14 && flag == 0; n++) {
if(n == highnum14 && highnum14 < top - 1) {
time14[highnum14] = time;
highscorer14[highnum14] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} else if(time < time14[n]) {
for(int k = highnum14; k > n; k--) {
if(highnum14 == top - 1)
time14[k] = time14[k-1];
highscorer14[k] = highscorer14[k-1];
time14[n] = time;
highscorer14[n] = buffer;
flag = 1;
if (buffer2 == "18") {
flag = 0;
time = 0;
for(int j = 5; buffer.at(j) != ' '; j++)
time = (time * 10) + atoi(buffer.substr(j,1).c_str());
for(int n = 0; n <= highnum18 && flag == 0; n++) {
if(n == highnum18 && highnum18 < top - 1) {
time18[highnum18] = time;
highscorer18[highnum18] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} else if(time < time18[n]) {
for(int k = highnum18; k > n; k--) {
if(highnum18 == top - 1)
time18[k] = time18[k-1];
highscorer18[k] = highscorer18[k-1];
time18[n] = time;
highscorer18[n] = buffer;
flag = 1;
if (buffer2 == "24") {
flag = 0;
time = 0;
for(int j = 6; buffer.at(j) != ' '; j++)
time = (time * 10) + atoi(buffer.substr(j,1).c_str());
for(int n = 0; n <= highnum24 && flag == 0; n++) {
if(n == highnum24 && highnum24 < top - 1) {
time24[highnum24] = time;
highscorer24[highnum24] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} else if(time < time24[n]) {
for(int k = highnum24; k > n; k--) {
if(highnum24 == top - 1)
time24[k] = time24[k-1];
highscorer24[k] = highscorer24[k-1];
time24[n] = time;
highscorer24[n] = buffer;
flag = 1;
if (buffer2 == "26") {
flag = 0;
time = 0;
for(int j = 6; buffer.at(j) != ' '; j++)
time = (time * 10) + atoi(buffer.substr(j,1).c_str());
for(int n = 0; n <= highnum26 && flag == 0; n++) {
if(n == highnum26 && highnum26 < top - 1) {
time26[highnum26] = time;
highscorer26[highnum26] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} else if(time < time26[n]) {
for(int k = highnum26; k > n; k--) {
if(highnum26 == top - 1)
time26[k] = time26[k-1];
highscorer26[k] = highscorer26[k-1];
time26[n] = time;
highscorer26[n] = buffer;
flag = 1;
if (buffer2 == "30") {
flag = 0;
time = 0;
for(int j = 6; buffer.at(j) != ' '; j++)
time = (time * 10) + atoi(buffer.substr(j,1).c_str());
for(int n = 0; n <= highnum30 && flag == 0; n++) {
if(n == highnum30 && highnum30 < top - 1) {
time30[highnum30] = time;
highscorer30[highnum30] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} else if(time < time30[n]) {
for(int k = highnum30; k > n; k--) {
if(highnum30 == top - 1)
time30[k] = time30[k-1];
highscorer30[k] = highscorer30[k-1];
time30[n] = time;
highscorer30[n] = buffer;
flag = 1;
} while (buffer != "");
cout << "\nShisen Sho Top Scores\n presented by:\n"
<< " Hal Canary\n Mark Chapman\n"
<< " and users like you!\n";
if(highnum14 > 0)
cout << "\n14x6 Geometry\n-------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i<highnum14; i++) {
cout << '(' << i+1 << ")\t " << time14[i] << " seconds\t"
<< NameSpiller(&highscorer14[i]) << '\n' ;
if(highnum18 > 0)
cout << "\n18x8 Geometry\n-------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i<highnum18; i++) {
cout << '(' << i+1 << ")\t " << time18[i] << " seconds\t"
<< NameSpiller(&highscorer18[i]) << '\n' ;
if(highnum24 > 0)
cout << "\n24x12 Geometry\n--------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i<highnum24; i++) {
cout << '(' << i+1 << ")\t " << time24[i] << " seconds\t"
<< NameSpiller(&highscorer24[i]) << '\n' ;
if(highnum26 > 0)
cout << "\n26x14 Geometry\n--------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i<highnum26; i++) {
cout << '(' << i+1 << ")\t " << time26[i] << " seconds\t"
<< NameSpiller(&highscorer26[i]) << '\n' ;
if(highnum30 > 0)
cout << "\n30x16 Geometry\n--------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i<highnum30; i++) {
cout << '(' << i+1 << ")\t " << time30[i] << " seconds\t"
<< NameSpiller(&highscorer30[i]) << '\n' ;
cout << "\n\n";
return 0;
file modification time: 2003-12-07 23:45:13