How I Spent My Winter Vacation,
by Scalp the Orc
Day 1
This is me wandering around Durotar. Dahboo?
My first vacation to Ogrimarr.
Fighting a raptor thing. I did all the work.
Day 2
More Durotar. Honestly, it's a crappy country. I'm never going back, except on christmas and easter.
Where the warriors hang out. Loctar!
Here I'm fighting some sort of centaur thing. It was easy to kill.
Running out of Durotar as fast as possible.
Look, grass! I had never seen grass before.
Zug-zug. I'm an orc, what do you expect?
Day 3
Look! A zeebra, I mean zhevra. Zehvras have horns and have more hit points.
Again, I had to sneak a photo. Makes one want to dabble in the demonic arts.
Day 4
Creepy place. North Barrons, I think.
Really creepy place. I turned around and went somewhere safer
More flying. It's the only way to travel. Unless you want to go to some podunk town like Rachet. Then you have to walk.
The thing I like the most about being an Orc is killing things. Here I'm after a Lion and a dino thing.
Day 5
Some kind of battle going on. I wisely avoided the front line. Why can't we all just get along?
Drinking alone in the corner of a pub. Yes it is every day again.
Flying back from-or-to Thunder Bluff.
I'm King of the mountain. Zug-zug.
Again with the deadness. Dabooo.
I killed a lot of those raptor things.
The moon. I need a telescope. I wonder if I can buy those at the auction?